PD Dr. Sabine Seisel

Room: NC 4/72
Phone: +49 234 32 - 25464

Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Career

since 05/2009                Senior Scientist at the Chair of Analytical Chemistry ,  Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
2000 - 2009                    Group leader “Heterogeneous Kinetics and Spectroscopy”at the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
1998 - 2000                    Postdoc at the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
1996 - 1998                    Postdoc at the Laboratoire de Pollution Atmosphérique et Sol, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
1992 - 1996                    PhD thesis at the Department Atmospheric Chemistry, Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany.
1991 – 1992                   Diploma thesis at the Institute for Physical Chemistry, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

Education and academic qualifications

2010                               Habilitation in Analytical Chemistry at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
2008                               Habilitation in Physical Chemistry at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
1997-1999                      Extra-occupational study „Environmental Sciences“ at Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany
1995                               PhD at Universität Bremen, Germany
1992                               Diploma in Chemistry at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
1986-1992                      Study of Chemistry and Mineralogy at Georg-August-Universität Göttigen, Germany



Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker

Professional Activities


  • Characterization of catalyst by FTIR-Spectroscopy, Eelectron Microscopy SEM, and X-ray diffraction
  • Teaching at Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • Lectures and Exercises in „Analytische Chemie I, II and III
  • e-learning units via Moodle and Blackboard


Project Management (including proposal writing and reporting)

  • Scientific Manager of the Center for electrochemical science (CES)
  • EU-FP7 MCA- ITNBiofuel Cells: From fundamentals to applications of bioelectrochemistry: BIOENERGY ” - Head of coordination office
  • Management of subprojects located at the Chair of Analytical Chemistry:
    • BMBF „Biomimetische Wasserspaltung“ (2015-2019)
    • BMBF "Neue Edelmetallfreie Membran-Elektroden-Einheit für Brennstoffzellen der Zukunft -Katalysator-Materialbibliotheken – NEMEZU (2015-2018)
    • Impuls und Vernetzungsfonds der Helmholtz Energie-Allianz "Stationäre elektrochemische Feststoff-Speicher und -Wandler" (2012-2015) BMBF „Kompetenzverbund Nord – Elektrochemie und Mobilität (2009 – 2012)

At faculty level

  • Equal Opportunity Officer of the Faculty for Chemistry and Biochemistry



  1. C. Andronescu, S. Seisel, P. Wilde, S. Barwe, J. Masa, Y.-T. Chen, E. Ventosa, W. Schuhmann, Influence of Temperature and Electrolyte Concentration on the Structure and Catalytic Oxygen Evolution Activity of NiFe LDH, Chemistry – A European Journal, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201803165.
  2. J. Masa, C. Andrones , H. Antoni, S. Seisel, K. Elumeeva, S. Barwe, S. Marti-Sanchez, J. Arbiol, I. Sinev, B. Roldan Cuenya, M. Muhler, W. Schuhmann, Role of Boron and Phosphorus in Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution by Nickel Borides and Nickel Phosphides, ChemElectroChem, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/celc.201800669R1.
  3. K. Elumeeva, J. Masa, D. Medina, E. Ventosa, S. Seisel, Y.U. Kayran, A. Genc, T. Bobrowski, P. Weide, J. Arbiol, M. Muhler, W. Schuhmann, Cobalt boride modified with N-doped carbon nanotubes as a high-performance bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5, 21122-21129, 2017.
  4.  R.A. Rincon, E. Ventosa, F. Tietz, J. Masa, S. Seisel, V. Kuznetsov, W. Schuhmann, Evaluation of Perovskites as Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction, ChemPhysChem 15, 2810-2816, 2014.
  5. A. Zeradjanin, T. Schilling, S. Seisel, M. Bron, W. Schuhmann, Visualization of Chlorine Evolution at Dimensionally Stable Anodes by Means of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, Analytical Chemistry 83, 7645-50, 2011.
  6. A. Pashkova, S. Seisel*, Interaction of NO2 with soot: Oxidation and Gasification at Temperatures Between 300 and 670 K, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 224, 1205-1217, 2010.
  7. R. Zellner, P. Behr, S. Seisel, H. Somnitz, L. Treuel, Chemistry and Microphysics of Atmospheric Aerosol Surfaces: Laboratory Techniques and Applications, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 223, 359-385, 2009.
  8. S. Seisel*, T. Keil, R. Zellner, The Uptake of SO2 on -Fe2O3 and Mineral Dust Surfaces in the Temperature Range 250 K to 600 K, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 223, 1477-1495, 2009.
  9. S. Seisel*, T. Keil, Y. Lian, R. Zellner, Kinetics of the Uptake of SO2 on Mineral Oxides: Improved Initial Uptake Coefficients at 298 K from Pulsed Knudsen Cell Experiments, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 38, 242-249, 2006.
  10. S. Seisel*, C. Börensen, R. Vogt, R. Zellner, Kinetics and Mechanism of the Uptake of N2O5 on Mineral Dust at 298 K, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5, 3423-3432, 2005.
  11. S. Seisel*, A. Pashkova, Y. Lian, R. Zellner, Water Uptake on Mineral Dust and Soot: A Fundamental View on the Hydrophilicity of Atmospheric Particles?, Faraday Discussions “Atmospheric Chemistry” 130, 437-451, 2005.
  12. S. Seisel*, C. Börensen, R. Vogt, R. Zellner, The Heterogeneous Reaction of HNO3 on Mineral Dust Surfaces and -Alumina Surfaces: A Combined Knudsen Cell and DRIFTS Study, Physical Chemistry - Chemical Physics 6, 5498-5508, 2004.
  13. S. Seisel*, Y. Lian, T. Keil, M.E. Trukhin, R. Zellner, Kinetics of the Interaction of Water Vapour with Mineral Dust and Soot Surfaces at T = 298 K, Physical Chemistry - Chemical Physics 6, 1926-1932, 2004.
  14. S. Seisel, B. Flückiger, F. Caloz, M.J. Rossi, Heterogeneous Reactivity of the Nitrate Radical: Reactions on Halogen Salt at Ambient Temperature and on Ice in the Presence of HX (X = Cl, Br, I) at 190 K, Physical Chemistry - Chemical Physics 1, 2257-2266, 1999.
  15. F. Caloz, S. Seisel, F.F. Fenter, M.J. Rossi, Reactivity of BrNO2 and ClNO2 with Alkali Salt Substrates, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102, 7470-7479, 1998.
  16. S. Seisel, B. Flückiger, M.J. Rossi, The Heterogeneous Reaction of N2O5 with HBr on Ice. Comparison with N2O5 + HCl, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 102, 811-820, 1998.
  17. S. Seisel, F. Caloz, F.F. Fenter, H. van den Bergh, M.J. Rossi, The Heterogeneous Reaction of NO3 with NaCl und KBr: A Nonphotolytic Source of Halogen Atoms, Geophysical Research Letters 24, 2757-2760, 1997.
  18. S. Seisel,M.J. Rossi, The Heterogeneous Reaction of HONO and HBr on Ice und on Sulfuric Acid, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 101, 943-955, 1997.
  19. S. Seisel, Heterogene Reaktionen von N2O5 und HBr und ihr Einfluß auf den Ozonabbau in der polaren Stratosphäre, Reports on Polar Research 193, 1996.
  20. H. Hippler, S. Seisel, J. Troe, Pyrolysis of p-Xylene and of 4-Methylbenzyl Radicals, Twenty-Fifth Symposium on Combustion/The Combustion Institute 875-882, 1994.